Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Barnum's Birthday Breakfast

Our Circus Fare feature this week is da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

A Four Year Old's Special Birthday Breakfast!!!

Barnum requested heart shaped pancakes and milk for the first meal of his Birthday!

Barnum proudly displaying the ingredient list: Organic Batter Blaster (WORTH THE MONEY!!) and sweet creamy buttah. (The Lemonade, which is complete heaven, was for Mom and Dad.)

Any self respecting fan of Paula Deen knows that to get the Pancake Party started you better be tossing in the buttah.

It is SHOW time!!

In the following picture, my Pancake Molding Dreams FINALLY came true!! THE BATTER STAYED WITHIN THE MOLD!!! After various types of batter dispensers and 6 LOOOOOOOOOONG years of trying to pull off what Martha Stewart and Williams-Sonoma would have you believe "just happens," it happened; the batter stayed within the MOLD!! All thanks to the BATTER BLASTER!! I LOVE YOU BATTER BLASTER!!!

THEN!!! I removed the mold and flipped the pancake and all hell broke loose!!

The Strong Man hears me screaming in defeat, comes in to rescue and delivers THIS:

The Strong Man knows no limits. If I have said it once, I have said it 90000000 MILLION times, there is no justice in this WORLD!!!
Finally and most importantly, here is the sweetest Birthday Boy in the World proudly displaying his custom Birthday shirt featuring Buzz and Woody. (Per his request). Readers, any guesses on who made the shirt?

Always know that you are very, VERY loved. You are deeply loved by your imperfect parents but PERFECTLY loved by your Creator. God has B-I-G plans for you. It is my prayer that you will be obedient to Him and always give thanks for His blessings.
God has created you with an amazing personality and wittiness. You keep me laughing and constantly on my toes. You are precious in His sight and mine.
You are and will forever be my Googaly Boy!


  1. I LOVE Batter Blaster!! Here's a tip... Leave it out of the fridge for 10-15 minutes before you plan to use it. That way the batter is not so cold when you make a pancake that the outside cooks before the inside. Enjoy!

  2. I love those pictures of Barnum! I can't wait to PARTY tomorrow night! I love your precious, crazy boy.



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