Thursday, September 17, 2009

National Sewing Month

In honor of National Sewing Month, a story:

During a conversation with my mother and sister, I stated that I would like a sewing machine for Christmas. My sister strolls over to her closet, grabs down a box and hands it to me. It is a brand new sewing machine!!

Well, I mean it appeared to be a brand new sewing machine because the box had NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, not in NINE years been open. NINE years. (Keep in mind she is the mother of 2 girls, ages NINE and FIVE.)

I excitedly started dreaming up my first project. BAILEY's napmat for Mother's Day Out!! Two months later, I found the PERFECT Napmat tutorial online, bought all the supplies and then.......

I packed up my BRAND NEW SEWING machine, pattern/tutorial/whatever you want to call it, and supplies and drove straight over to my sis-in-laws house. Why?

She's the one that knows how to sew!!! I can't sew a stitch!! What was I thinking??? A NAPMAT??? I should probably start with something basic like...THREADING THE MACHINE or sewing two pieces of fabric together!!

Good decision making on my part because this is how precious it came out!!!:

Bailey LOVES it!! He lays right down and goes straight to sleep....from what I hear!!!


  1. I *love* this story--and Bailey's nap mat is adorable! It's so easy to picture your sister pulling out a never-been-used sewing machine. When would she have the time to sit down? :) Did your sister-in-law teach you how to sew? I wish I'd let Mimi teach me. She offered several times, but I kept saying I career girls didn't need to how to sew. That sounds so silly now!

  2. Wow....impressive for a first project. I've had a machine forever and haven't attempted something that ambitious! GOOD JOB!!! :)

  3. Ah, so, did you use the new machine or the one your sister-in-law had? The mat is precious. And Bailey looks right at home with it. It is so colorful. Is it bumpy like his favorite pillow? I need to get my account back up sometime.

  4. Wow, it turned out very cute! It looks so much like Sterling's. We used the same pattern and red minky fabric. I wish I had more time to sew with friends like I used to. I think it's time for you to try quilting!



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