Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Celebrity Sighting

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE celebrity sightings!!!

We were on our weekly "family trip" (The Strong Man has just a few, small requests.) to H-E-B and celebrity struck.

The Strong Man and Barnum were in the frozen foods and Bailey and I were at the baking aisle. I was struggling to decipher the store coupon and a lady stops me.

She asks, "Have you guys been to the new Freshberry? I think I recognize your son." "Yes! We were there every other day for about two weeks," I replied.

"OH, OK. I recognize your baby from the digital frame they have up in the store. It is the cutest picture of him eating yogurt."

That's right!!! There is a celebrity among us!!!

Now I have an incredible excuse to get back to Freshberry!!! A star is born....

BTW...anyone notice how BLOND my little man is getting??


  1. So, if I have retained my lesson from one of your previous posts, then: a.k.a writer + the bearded lady + bailey = a.k.a writer and bailey are BFF

  2. OK, not only is he going blonde, but I can't get over how big he is!!! I want some freshberry!!!

  3. How cute! Where's all his hair??!? He looks so grown up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG! He has changed so much since Christmas! I can't wait to see you guys!

  6. What have you done with the real Bailey???

    That must be an imposter!!!!! It can't be Bailey. And my goodness how much he looks like Barnum.......I want to eat some Freshberry with Barnum and Bailey and Bearded Lady and Strongman.



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